Title IX Office
St. Francis Hospital
Hartford Hospital
The Title IX Office takes reports and complaints regarding sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking. The Title IX Coordinator or Deputy coordinates the investigator process, can provide access to support services to Complainants and Respondents, and assist in making adjustments to academic, living, and work situations.
Kenna Grant
Executive Director Equal Opportunity Programs and Title IX Coordinator
HJG Library room 307
title9@tdwang.net or mckenna@tdwang.net
University Public Safety
Operations Building
Emergency 860.768.7777
Routine 860.768.7985
Residence Life
A professional staff member is on-call 24/7 every day of the year to assist students (including but not limited to Complainants and Respondents) with crisis response and may be paged through University Public Safety.
Residence Life – Central Office
Barnard Hall, Ground Floor
Residence Life
Staff available in each residence hall
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
CONFIDENTIAL Counseling and support services available to students (including but not limited to Complainants and Respondents) on-campus, including education and support for sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic and dating violence, and stalking.
Gengras Student Union
Room 313
Health Services
CONFIDENTIAL Health Services offers health exams, gyn exams, birth control, pregnancy testing, emergency contraception, and STD testing for all students, and we can refer to specialists if needed.
Health Services
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Appointments are preferred)
Adjacent to Sports Center
Campus Ministry
CONFIDENTIAL Spiritual guidance and counseling, regardless of religious affiliation or non-affiliation.
Protestant Ministry
Hillel, Jewish Learning and Living
Catholic Campus Ministry
Other Resources
Local Police
City of Hartford Police
253 High Street, Hartford
Emergency 911
Routine 860.767.4000
West Hartford Police
103 Raymond Road
Emergency 911
Local Hospitals Medical Care, Emergency Medical Services, and Sexual Assault Evidence Collection
St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center
114 Woodland Street, Hartford
Hartford Hospital
80 Seymour Street, Hartford
Routine 860.523.5203
Sexual Assault Crisis Services YMCA of New Britain
Crisis Hotline 888.999.5545
Hartford Office
75 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford
Hotline: 860.547.1022 (local)
New Britain Office
19 Franklin Square, New Britain
Hotline: 860.225.4681 (local)
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence 24/7 Hotline 888.774.2900
Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence Hotline 888.999.5545
Interval House 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline 888.774.2900 or 860.527.0550 (local)
Male Survivor Critical resources for male survivors of sexual trauma malesurvivor.org